Thursday, 13 June 2013

10 Ways to Earn Money from Your Passion

your passion
Have you ever had a passion or hobby that you loved so much that you wanted it to be your full-time job? While very few people can translate their passion into a full-time job, plenty of people have earned money by “>pursuing their hobbies. While it’s important to acknowledge that a lot of work goes into earning money from your passions, if you’re dedicated and persistent you can earn yourself some decent money. Here are a few ways that you might be able to monetize your passion.

Sell Your Products

Do you have a passion or hobby that produces a finished product you can sell? Maybe you like to make pottery or build and paint furniture. Maybe you design clothing or draw or paint. If you having a passion that results in a product you can sell, why not try selling it? There are plenty of places you can sell your work such as craft fairs or online sites such as


Blogging is another great way to earn money from your passion. Plenty of bloggers have started out writing about a product or industry they’re passionate about only to end up gaining enough followers to grab the attention of advertisers and related companies.

Teach a Class

Have you ever taken a yoga class or a cooking class and thought that you could teach the very same class? Well, if you have a passion that you’re an expert at, consider teaching a class! Maybe you studied writing or graphic design and want to bring your passion to other people interested in those hobbies. Of course, you might have to obtain a certification in order to teach a class, but if you’re passionate about your hobby, teaching a class is a great way to earn some extra money.

Teach a One on One

While teaching a class to a group of people may help you earn a decent amount of money, you can also consider teaching a one on one course. Once you have prestige, certification, and have promoted your course, you might find that some people prefer individual instruction. Plus, you may be able to earn more money teaching a one on one class than you could by teaching a group class.


Is your passion writing or editing? Making you enjoy working with video animation or graphic design? Maybe you enjoy tutoring, photography, or participating in focus groups for new products. You can usually find freelance jobs for all of these passions, as well as many others not listed. Sometimes it requires looking for jobs posted in classifieds sections or on online freelancing sites. Sometimes it requires you to do a little legwork and promote your skills or freelance abilities.


Additionally, if your passion is something you’re an expert about or something you have specific training for, you can also consider working as a consultant. Many businesses pay very highly for consultants who are experts in their field. You might even find that you enjoy giving your opinion about your hobby or passion.

Write an Instructional Guide or Articles

Another way to earn some money from your passion is to write an instructional guide or how-to articles. For instance, maybe your passion is knitting or clothing design. Maybe it’s cooking or woodworking. There are a lot of websites that will pay you to write instructional guides or how-to articles such as Suite101 or EzineArticles. This is an easy way to earn money as you’re writing about a hobby you (hopefully) know well.

Make Videos

On a different note, you can also make instructional videos about your hobby. Some people are visual learners and prefer watching a video to reading a how-to article. Making an instructional video is easy as most smartphones and computers now how video capability. And, as you might know, if your videos become popular on such sites as YouTube, you stand a chance of receiving money from advertising or having a sponsor pay you to create more videos.

Photograph Your Hobby

Do you have a passion that’s photogenic? Maybe you love hiking or making arts and crafts. Maybe you prefer spending time around animals or going on long walks or drives to view the scenery. If you’re a good photographer, bring your camera along when you partake in your hobbies and start snapping some pictures. A lot of stock photo sites such as istockphoto pay people for high quality images they can resell to their customers.

Swap Your Skills

Maybe your hobby is gardening and you have a friend whose hobby is working on cars or bicycles. And maybe you have a car that needs to have an oil change while your friend has a yard that is in desperate need of work. Swapping your skills with your friend is a great way to turn your hobby into something even more useful. While swapping skills might not earn you money, you still get something out of the deal.

By Danielle Warchol, Photo courtesy of Russell C, Article source:


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