Sunday, 5 May 2013

How To Make Money With Facebook Pages

To help you to quickly get on the road to learning to make money with Facebook pages, here a some simple steps to take:

1.  Get Fans (Likes)

Social Media Education
Get More Fans!
You need to have an audience or target market to get you message out to.  Facebook claims to have over 1 billion registered users.  So it stands to reason that your audience is there.  You can build a fan base of followers by attracting people who are interested in who you are, what your business does, and what value do they gain by “Liking” your business page.
It’s VERY important to understand that people DO NOT want to hear a sales pitch about you or your product/service.  Social media has changed that.  But people do want to be educated and know more about the companies they spend money with.
The first thing you should do is to let all your family and friends know about your Facebook business page.  At the top of your business page look for a tab that says “Build Audience” and click on it.  Follow the instructions.  You can email all your contacts and invite all your friends on your personal page to Like your business page.  Ask them all to share your page with all their friends too!  If your friends won’t share your page then it’s time to get new friends!
Next thing to do is to post content every day.  Be consistent.  Don’t skip days or weeks without posting something.  Facebook has a “scheduling” feature so you can schedule your posts in advance.  Sometimes we schedule out a whole week of posts on Monday morning.  Click on this link to watch a video on  How To Schedule Posts On Your Facebook Page.
What kind of content do you post?  You need to create a page that gives people a reason to keep coming back.  Your posts should fit into one of the following categories:
  • Entertain
  • Educate
  • Enlighten
If your content doesn’t fit into one of these buckets don’t post it!  Notice there isn’t a “Sales Pitch” category?  Post lots of images and videos, make people laugh, educate them about your expertise, as well as motivate and inspire them.
Most importantly give value.  The more value you give the more people will seek you out for your expertise.
For example, if you are a real estate agent you could post an article about “The 3 Best Tips To Make Your Home Sell Faster!”  Promote your expertise and experience but don’t sell houses!  Get it?
If you consistently post great valuable content, not only will your fans keep coming back, they’ll “share” your page with their friends.
If you’d like to see an example of what excellent content looks like visit our The Best In Murfreesboro Facebook page.
Lastly, “engage” with other local business’s Facebook pages.  Facebook is like a business networking event.  Click the “gear” icon in the upper right corner of your page.  Click on “Use Facebook As:”.  Click your business page.  This allows you to go Like other business pages with your business page.  Engage in conversations, develop relationships, give value.
We’ll be putting out a video on how to get more fans soon.

2.  Convert Your Fans Into Buying Customers

How to make money with Facebook pages
Turn Your Fans Into Buying Customers
If you want to learn how to make money with Facebook pages this may be the most important step.  Remember, social media is about relationships,  not selling.  So you want to nurture and develop relationships with your audience.  You must build trust, earn respect and earn the right to sell your product or service.  This kind of deep relationship can take time.
A well designed Facebook business page can do a good job of presenting the message about your business without being overtly “pushy”.   Your page cover image and “tabs” are an excellent options for people to find out more about what you do.
Your ultimate goal should be this:  When the time comes that one of your fans (or one of their friends) is in the market to purchase a product or service like yours, they will remember you first and foremost and give you the opportunity to give them a proposal.

3. Turn Your Customers Into “Super Advocates” For Your Business!

Once you’ve converted your fans into customers it’s up to you to deliver the “Wow!” factor.  If you give them a such a great experience
Social Media Education
Word-of-mouth advertising on steroids!
with your product or service that they feel compelled to tell all their friends about you, then you need to capture that positive energy.
We all know that the best type of advertising is word-of-mouth.  Well, when you combine the power of the internet and the viral nature of Facebook you getWord-Of-Mouth Advertising on Steroids!    
Encourage your happiest fans to post a complimentary message about their experience on your Facebook page.  And when that happens your customers are doing the selling for you!  It doesn’t get any better than that does it!
For a great example of this phenomena check out one of our client’s Facebook page: Look at the “Recommendations” section on the right side of one of our clients FB page:  Farmers Family Restaurant.

4.  Use Facebook Ads To Activate Your Facebook Campaigns

When it comes to learning how to make money with Facebook pages we have saved the best for last.  In our professional opinion, Facebook Ads are the best way for you do it!
make money with Facebook Pages
Crush It With Facebook Ads!
What makes Facebook Ads so powerful is the fact that you can LASER target a specific audience that has an expressed interest in what you are advertising.  Unlike conventional advertising where the vast majority of the people who see have no interest in ever buying what the commercial is selling, with Facebook Ads you can select from over 120 demographic categories that will be seen by those people when they are on their Facebook Page.
You can even target your competitions fans!
Facebook has several advertising choices such as general ads, sponsored stories, and promoted posts.  From our experience in using all these types of Facebook ads we can tell you that they are powerful, affordable and best of all they GET RESULTS!
We use Facebook ads in almost all our campaigns.  It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire!  We use them to drive traffic to landing pages, for special promotions, to attract more fans, get more “Likes”, promote coupons and contests, and for calls-to-action.
We target our existing fans, our competitors fans, age categories, gender, income range, zip codes, by purchasing history, and much, much more.  And we’ve gotten our pay per clicks down, in some cases, to 10 cents a click.  But you have to know the Facebook system.
Facebook ads do require you to spend some money.  If you don’t have any money for advertising we HIGHLY recommend that you find a way to put aside some extra cash to invest in Facebook Ads.  If you’re serious about learning how to make money with Facebook pages you need to implement a Facebook Ad campaign as soon as possible.

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