Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Twitter Money Making Tips - Don't Leave Twitter Money on the Table

To begin to understand Twitter money making strategy, it is probably helpful to understand a few fundamental things about Twitter.

First, anyone can open a Twitter account for free just by going to and signing up. If you have any interest in making money using Twitter then you should definitely consider choosing your profile name with that intention in mind. Fancy and cute should not be your focus if you intend to use Twitter in your business.

One of the things that I screwed up at the very beginning of my Internet marketing career was not having a branding strategy in mind. What I mean by that is simply, how can I add each little piece to my overall business so that each one can be integrated at any time and be complimentary and consistent with my message.

This seems so far removed from your goals at the beginning...How can I make money, how can I sell something, what product or service should I sell, who should I listen to... It's a whole other topic for another time but it simply bears mentioning in your initial Twitter money making strategy.

So sign up and pick a name that "fits" your vision. I suggest trying to secure your real name or some version of it (last name first...).

There are four things that I suggest you do immediately that are free and very helpful. Do these things and your Twitter money making strategy will be more advanced than many more experienced marketers.
  1. Sign up at Social Oomph. This service does a lot of things, but one thing it does which is cool is it lets you create automated responses for anyone that follows you. You can build a list of 5 or so unique messages which can also contain links to your offerings and they will be selected randomly and sent to anyone who follows you! This addresses one of Twitters biggest challenges - keeping up with people. This is sort of your Twitter public relations department. I would also encourage you to learn more about what else Social Oomph can do for you.

  1. Sign up at Twellow - This is essentially the Twitter yellow pages. What you can do here is look for people based on their interests. Twellow will search and list people by category in order of "most followers". So here you have targeted lists of people who you can follow and then follow the people that follow them who are clearly interested in the same things you are. Follow 50 to 100 targeted tweeters a day and watch your list grow fast.

  1. Sign up at Your Twitter Karma - This site allows you to manage your followers and make sure you have a balance between how many people you follow versus how many followers you have. NOTE: Twitter frowns upon accounts that have far more following than followers. They view imbalances as spammy (i.e., if you are following and no one is followiing you back then what value are you adding). Once a week, go in and sort by "Only Following". Unfollow anyone who has chosen not to follow you for a week. Chances are they won't if they haven't by then

  1. Get a free custom Twitter background. I use Twitbacks - Just Google "free Twitter backgrounds" and you can find others. This addresses both branding and differentiation. If you want to make serious Twitter money, you have to stand out and be unique as much as possible. This is free and once you put some of that Twitter money in the bank, you can get a custom design for less than $100.
Like any other Internet medium, you have to be genuine and informative. Entertaining and unique are also big pluses. This information will enable you to put a serious Twitter money making strategy in place easily and for free. Once you get the hang of it you will discover hundreds of other things you can do to leverage Twitter to make money by helping other people learn and grow with you. It can be very exciting!

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  1. That was a really interesting article

    1. I use these different sites to get more followers!
